Friday, June 13, 2008

Wrong Of Me

The organization will be called Formerly Democratic Republicans. FDR for short.
Right now I’m feeling stupid and foolish and angry. Angered that the better part
of my intellectual lifetime has slipped by, malnourished by the
social/moral/political pablum force-fed by brain laundries like Harvard and
mainstream media. Foolish and stupid because I really didn’t have to be
force-fed –- I lapped it up eagerly and found it tasty and self-satisfying.

Anxious to make up for the lost time that can never be regained, I’m skipping
directly to Steps 8 and 9 [in AA's 12 steps].

Step 8: While I don’t think I’ve harmed you, I’ve got to confess that until
now I’ve always been chagrined that the wittiest, most intelligent and
empathetic friend of my youth apparently had gone bonkers after college and
“become one of them.” That was wrong of me.

Step 9: I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I so care-less-ly let our friendship slip
away. I’m sorry that I so readily dismissed your mind.