Sunday, September 14, 2008

Journalistic "Objectivity" Update

But my second reason is more generous. I think Ms Mallick expresses openly what many, quite possibly most of her MSM colleagues are actually thinking, and in my experience, actually saying in social gatherings and while working away from the microphones -- though seldom with such ebullience. Ms Mallick is rare in being so refreshingly candid, on the record.

Where such prejudices as hers exist, it is an advantage to everyone to have them expressed openly, discussed openly, demolished openly. Far worse is the poison in people who think like Ms Mallick, but contain themselves within the shallow literary conventions of “journalistic objectivity.”
People on the Right are being prosecuted now; those on the Left could as easily be prosecuted later under the same laws -- as in Germany, when the Nazis used inherited, vaguely-written “hate speech” laws from the Weimar Republic, to prosecute the very sort of people who wrote them.