Saturday, September 06, 2008

OPrompterless Gasses

In addition to ditching the prompter he went into slightly more detail than he
chose to give when a lot more people were watching at the Ocrapolis.
His key points of evidence, in support of his claim that “global warming is a
serious problem, you know, it’s not just some tree-hugger, uh, sprout-eating
liberal thing,” are that “the polar ice caps are melting, the oceans are

Caps, not cap, and melting. Sure, global warming computer models tell us that a greenhouse warming signal is polar amplification, both poles. And our lyin' eyes tell us the Antarctic is steadily gaining ice mass, and the other end of the planet has a mere 700,000 square miles more ice today than a year ago today. And even NPR has openly struggled over what to call global-warming-without-the-warming after learning that while computer models were still telling us the oceans should be warming, the actual observations were telling us that they were not. Possibly this was Obama’s avatar speaking?