Sunday, October 05, 2008

Convenient Resignations

the Obamas paid a lot of money for law degrees and yet they no longer have licenses. That is kind of strange. Let us start with Barack and see if we can trace the demise of his law career.

Obama relinquished his Illinois law license in early 2007. Why would Obama give up something that provided his primary source of income and something he spent so much time and energy obtaining? Andy Martin filed a complaint in IL on March 13, 2007 stating that Obama had lied on his IL bar application. Obama had 17 outstanding traffic violations that he had failed to take care of. Mr. Martin discovered that Obama would not be prosecuted because he no longer had his law license. I contacted Andy Martin and this was his response:

"Nothing. Obama had already resigned as a lawyer and so they had no jurisdiction over him."

"Not if they have lost jurisdiction over the individual. They can't punish someone who has resigned, which is why so many corrupt lawyers in Illinois resign before they are disbarred."