Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Memory Hole

clipped from
"The months passed at a breathless pace, with constant reminders of all the things left undone. We worked with a citywide coalition in support of school reform."

The ABCs Coalition was formed in March 1988 (p. 20) and was coordinated by Bill Ayers (photo).

Yet Obama never met the fellow coordinating this 1988 coalition. And years later, after all his hard work in creating the Chicago Annenberg Challenge Bill Ayers graciously assented to Obama becoming chairman even though the two men had never met, Obama had no background in education, and no one had reviewed Obama's qualifications with Bill Ayers. Uh huh. Well, that is Obama's current story - let's see if they stick to that through the election.
Hmmm. So many questions left unanswered.