Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Don't Think So

clipped from
I am convinced that someone possessing a hard science degree from Harvard or our other elite academic institution is worthy of respect. They are often the very best in the entire world. But this is not necessarily true of those who acquired a softer credential from the very same universities! These latter individuals are usually idiots. Those who are truly gifted will be the exception to the rule. This is why I ridicule the naive people who made a big deal about Barack Obama’s Harvard Law degree. Let’s not forget that it is the graduates from our so-called best universities, like Frank and Rains, who are mostly responsible for our current economic crisis. They are not only politically correct—but also lacking in wisdom and plain old common sense. By all rights, anyone who obtained a liberal arts degree form a Ivy League school should perhaps be deeply ashamed. We may even have the moral right to question their integrity. Am I exaggerating? I don’t think so.