Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Shock Never Ends

clipped from volokh.com
Obama Chief of Staff Hopes to Exploit the Economic Crisis to Expand the Growth of Government:

In earlier posts (e.g. - here and here) I have emphasized the risk that the combination of economic crisis and unified Democratic control of Congress and the White House would lead to a vast expansion of government. It looks like key Obama advisers and congressional Democrats are thinking along the same lines. As Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel puts it, the crisis is "an opportunity to do things you could not do before . . . You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." The WSJ article from which the quote comes makes clear that the "things" Emanuel has in mind are government policies that "pick winners" by subsidizing particular industries on a massive scale - as Congress is already doing with the finance industry, auto industry and others (HT: David Boaz).

an enormous transfer of resources from taxpayers and wealth-producing industries to interest groups with political leverage.