We can debate whether the policies of Frank, Dodd, Pelosi, Reid et al. accelerated, enhanced, exacerbated or caused the certainty of failures (Shumer’s actions related to Indymac and beyond as Exhibit A).
However, it cannot be seriously debated that it is in the interests of those who thrive on devouring the bloated carcass of an expanding bureaucracy…alternately fatting the beast and gluttonizing upon it…and that “nationalizing” banking and finance, manufacturing, energy, travel, print and airwaves communications, savings, health care, insurance, …would pretty much “tear down the system” of capitalism. Voila! On Ayers, on Dohrn, on Alinsky, Klonsky, Chomsky and Comet. Rudolph the Red knows reign, dear.
Whereupon, we come to Humpty Dumpty’s wall of bureaucratic red tape would put all the king’s horses and all the king’s men into a level of power heretofore not seen since we left the shores across the pond in the 1700’s. We know how that ends each time history has witnessed it…