Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Think I Know Now What It Will Take To Kick Off The Oministration

Ruh-Roh... It was already reported that Rahm Emanuel was keeping quiet since the Blagojevich Scandal broke.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ruh-Roh...Rahm Emanuel Continues to Duck Questions On Hot Rod

Ruh-Roh... It was already reported that Rahm Emanuel was keeping quiet since the Blagojevich Scandal broke.

But, this morning and later this afternoon Rahm Emanuel continued to duck questions about the scandal.
** The Smoking Gun, that bastion of conservative thought, already reported that Emanuel was linked to the case:

"Rahm Emanuel, the incoming White House chief of staff, is referred to in the affidavit as "President-elect Advisor."
He will have to issue his pardons at the start of his term rather than the end. And his pardons may need to be issued from the federal pen.

But the Dems will wonder why anyone would consider it problematic...