Thursday, December 11, 2008

Sarkozy Speaks Sagely

clipped from
"I have said this to my friend Kofi [Annan]: I find it impossible to shake hands with somebody who has dared to say that Israel must be wiped off the map.

"I know perfectly well that we must resolve what is perhaps the most serious international crisis we are having to resolve: that of Iran moving towards a nuclear bomb.

"We cannot resolve it without talking to Iranian leaders, but, after what was the Shoah, after what was the 20th century, I cannot sit at the same table as a man who dares to say: Israel must be wiped off the map."
How indeed. But the world continues to crowd their table and they continue to show their arrogance, defiance and disdain. Perhaps if more world leaders expressed their thoughts about cabal's such as those that constitute Iran's leadership, it would do more to delegitimize them both at home and abroad.