Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's Called Economics

My wife went to a hair salon last Friday. The salon is located on the East Side of Providence, Rhode Island, near Brown University. This is the premier neighborhood in Providence, with a mix of very expensive houses along with more modest houses. The neighborhood is about as close to a gathering of Barack Obama's wealthiest 5% (or 2%) as you will find in the City of Providence.
Whether they have $250,000 of income, or not, is irrelevant. They are the working, professional upper middle class whose spending habits feed so much of the economy. And my guess is that a lot of them, almost certainly a majority, voted for Barack Obama.

This was a Friday, midday. In the past, the salon would be packed with chatty women (sorry - couldn't resist). But not this Friday. It was almost empty. The hairdresser is a women who does not own the shop but "rents" a chair, so that in effect she is self-employed. The hairdresser complained about how so many of her regular customers had stopped coming in.