Wednesday, March 18, 2009


clipped from
The main concern about the $787 billion package is that around $400 billion of
it (estimates vary) is being used to buy off various Democratic
constituencies, granting funding to local projects dear to the hearts of the
congressmen whose votes were required to get the package through, and
bailing out discredited banks and businesses that many feel deserved to go
under. Only yesterday Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, asked for a
change in funding rules to save the San Francisco Chronicle, an ailing
newspaper in her own home town that has, by coincidence, loyally supported
her. It is not impossible that her wish will be granted. This is what the
Americans call pork-barrel politics, and there is enough pork in this scheme
to keep pigs in business for decades. Another criticism of the package is
that only 23 per cent of the money is expected to come on-stream this year,
making a mockery of claims that the money was needed urgently to prevent