Saturday, April 04, 2009

Shamelessly Propagated In Whole: The True Meaning Of Pitchfork

Obama is now quoted as saying, "My administration,“is the only thing between you and the pitchforks" to AIG officials giving out bonuses.

Obama, let me clue you into the true meaning of Christmas the pitchfork.

This Pitchforks for You, Politician

My pitchfork was aimed at the politicians and their appointees.

Politicians are the ones that interfered in free markets to cause this economic crisis. They’re the ones throwing my money in the air around their rich friends. They are the ones who attempted central monetary planning with the Fed, and GSEs.

Obama, Bush, Clinton, Paulson, Geithner, Bernarke, Franks, Raines, and most importantly Greenspan, all need the business end of a pitchfork.