Friday, July 17, 2009

Norwegian Wheat

clipped from
With a summer like this, you can`t tell my Dad there`s global warming.

"I think Al Gore and his group should be out here and tell us about this global warming stuff. I think he might have a change of mind. We`ve had a cool July,” says Orlan Dreyer, Willow City Farmer

July mornings aren`t supposed to be 50 degrees, but once again today, we`re seeing temperatures well below normal. With two inches of rain on my wheat crop in the last two weeks, we have plenty of moisture to carry us for awhile.
"This is a little extreme. You have to push the crop a little too to get it to mature. We`re running late and we could run into problems, I`ve seen frost in August. It hurt bad,” explains Dreyer.

Along with an early frost, disease is a concern out here as we enter the heading stage. Dad has his own theory on that.

"We might end up with Norwegian wheat, big heads and nothing in them,” says Dreyer. (laughing)

This is one Norwegian hoping that his heads aren`t empty.