Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dungeons Of The Mind

This phrase, "political correctness," adjective "politically correct," is a blessing and a curse.

It is a blessing because it gives a name to something that does not wish to be named: to a "syndrome" in the old Greek sense, of "things that run together." It was once a Maoist phrase, expressing a Leninist idea. Something could be "politically correct" even if it were factually a lie; for, to the Communist, truth has no independent existence, outside the interpretation of the Communist Party.

Today, the phrase refers to the post-Communist utopian ideology, and its "progressive" political agenda -- to social engineering schemes designed to remold human beings in obedience to feminist, environmentalist and multiculturalist dictates, as well as to the old socialist ones. Beyond this, the phrase encompasses the methods of intimidation used to silence opponents of the current agenda