Thursday, October 08, 2009

Rescue Helicopters?

clipped from

Military chaplains report that morale among troops in Afghanistan (which used to be "the good war", "the necessary war" when Democrats had to pretend they actually gave a rat's hinders about fighting terrorism) has plummeted as the radical, terrorist-loving, Marxist Narcissist-in-Chief dawdles over strategy and commitment.

Maybe it's because their commander-in-chief is "not interested in victory." Maybe it's because their indecisive, dithering, commander-in-chief refuses to provide the resources needed to to do the job properly and also refuses to pull out. Maybe it's because their commander-in-chief has all the time in the world to do Sunday chat shows, David Letterman, and jetting off to Copenhagen to shill for the Olympics but can barely scrape up 25 minutes to talk to the general in charge of Afghanistan operations. Maybe it's because Chairman Zero and Obamacrats are gutting the defense budget, even canceling a program for Combat Search and Rescue helicopters to save soldiers lives.

Why am I not surprised?