Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Mansourian Candidate: A Reminder Again

clipped from

When Obama dissed the Supreme Court in his State of Obfuscation Preach, he famously and incorrectly stated that their decision on Citizens United v. FEC threatened to allow money from foreign corporations to enter our political system. Funny choice of attack, thought I, as I was reminded of the influence that foreign money had on Dear Leader's own election campaign. A wee reminder of how things stood at the end of 2008:

In addition to the $259 million with undisclosed donors, studies of the reports filed with the FEC, by the Obama Campaign, through the 2008 Year End Report, show the following irregularities in their submissions:

• $1.8 million -- Contributions over the $4,600 limit (1,608 contributors)

• $26 million -- Contributions over the $2,300 per campaign limit, reallocated without contributor affirmation.

• $4 million -- Contributors with Foreign Addresses (4,158 contributors)