Friday, January 22, 2010

Put Them Out Of Your Mind

clipped from

But is Obama to blame?

Of course not.

You are, champ.

Obama's like Reverse Jesus. You will, collectively, assume his sins so that he is cleansed and untainted.*

* Yes, I know there's another word for "Reverse Jesus."

I don't think that's really a good thing to say.

When I was in college, some guy -- a transgressive sort of guy, a guy who liked causing reactions and doing shock value stuff to spook the "straights" -- was goofing around, claiming he was actually the Anti-Christ, to this guy who was Christian.

The Christian guy was just shrugging along at how silly it was.

Eventually the Transgressive Guy said, "How do you know I'm not the Anti-Christ?"

The Christian guy smiled. "Easy. Satan wouldn't be so fat."

So funny. Transgressive Guy, to his credit, busted a gut at that too.

Anyway, if you had suspicions Obama was the Anti-Christ, put them out of your mind. Satan wouldn't be such a fuck-up.

There you have it.