Sunday, February 07, 2010

Just What I Choose It To Mean

clipped from

How about that? They quickly “remedied” the situation, and corrected the record, and they didn’t even mock the president and his team for complaining about erroneous stories, as they did to the last administration.

But what struck me was this line:

Our budget explicitly calls for permanently extending the Bush tax cuts for households making less than $250,000.

What? People who were not rich got Tax Cuts under Bush? I thought the Bush Tax Cuts were evil, and immoral, and they were only for the “top 1%” of earners in the country – his gift to his rich pals?

You mean there were Bush Tax Cuts that were not evil or immoral and that deserve to be extended? That they were, in fact, so respectable that the Obama administration even acknowledges them as “Bush” tax cuts and retains them?

This is the same White House that is also retaining most of Bush’s policies on terrorism and stuff, right?

The same predecessor Obama keeps blaming for everything?