Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Difference

clipped from

The Boender trial was somewhat convoluted with a “number-of-dots-to-connect” and yet the U.S. Attorney still brought an indictment and the federal jury, in turn, convicted Mr. Boender on all five (5) counts. Given the credibility issues involved with both Ike Carothers and another witness, I was very surprised with the jury’s verdict. It appears Mr. Boender got a raw deal.

On this note, I’d be interested to understand the U.S. Attorney’s interpretation of the material difference between Ike Carothers accepting a “bribe/kick-back” worth $37,000 in home improvements in exchange for the alderman’s lobbying of Richard M. Daley related to an uber-super-zoning designation that only the mayor himself could change and Marty Nesbitt accepting a $28,500 Obama Victory Fund campaign contribution after providing developers with a close to $1.3M discount on the sale of the former Chicago Housing Authority headquarters.

It appears the only difference is that Marty Nesbitt is BFF with Barack Obama.