Sunday, November 23, 2003

But No Complaints About Auschwitz

This is just fascinating. The Red Cross, bombed by terrorists, thinks the U.S. remains the font of all evil and feels sorry for the terrorists. Here's a commentary that starts to put it in perspective:
The continuing detention of captured al Qaeda and Taliban members at Guantanamo is fast becoming the favored cause of international activists opposed to the aggressive prosecution of the war on terror. Even the International Committee of the Red Cross, which has traditionally maintained "neutrality" on such questions (declining even to publicly criticize the Third Reich's death camps during World War II), recently attacked the U.S. for failing to establish a timetable for trying, or freeing, the Guantanamo detainees. A few points should be made in defense of the administration's policy.

The ICRC's primary complaint is that "after more than 18 months of captivity, the internees still have no idea about their fate." As the ICRC knows very well, this is the case with respect to all captured enemy combatants in every war. The laws of war permit such individuals to be held for the entire duration of the conflict--primarily to ensure that they cannot rejoin the fight. Contrary to the claims of the ICRC, other activist groups and even some U.S. allies, the detainees are not being held "indefinitely." The length of their confinement is purely a function of how long the war lasts. The administration's critics might reflect how Churchill would have reacted if, during the Battle of Britain, the ICRC had asked him how long his Axis prisoners would be held. [Emphasis added]
Oh I forgot -- there was no Holocaust. And no Auschwitz you liar! That's hate speech to impugn Hitler's reputation. He's just misunderstood! Yeah, that's it. Burn down a few more Holocaust museums and there'll be no more proof. Jooooos go to Palestine! No wait -- JOOOOOOS OUT OF PALESTINE! The JOOOOOOS are Nazis! No wait, the Nazis were misunderstood... [Ed: You should be starting to understand who the real intellectual midgets are by now.]