Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Obscenity of the Day

How depraved and utterly irrelevant have our feminists become when pictures like this are not deplored with non-stop deconstruction and ostracism:

(That possible person on the left in the black bag is supposed to be his wife. But don't worry there's no evidence whatsoever that the person on the right is a HATEFUL MYSOGYNIST. None whatsoever. Come to think of it, I think I'll just go put a black bag over my wife's head right now and see how she reacts. Ugggghhhhh.)

Instead we're supposed to believe that this practice is for the protection of his wife. This is a steaming plate-full of garbage to only be believed by mental midgets.

Our feminists have become utter hypocrites. And collection-plate filling members of the "Church of the Left".

The bottom line is that the radical feminists live in a tinfoil-hat fantasy world imagining hateful oppression by their fellow countryfolk -- and are therefore completely blind to what a real "enemy" looks like. And the enemy has taken double advantage of it by the terrorist tactic of hiding in civilian populations and claiming to be "just another group oppressed by hateful whitey".