Sunday, September 05, 2004

NYeT! Don't Fight Hitler!

... for that will only make him really mad! My disgust at the NYeT simply cannot be put in words. But Putin now understands the situation.

Did I forget to mention that Putin has already said that people who DON'T vote for Bush need their "heads examined". What? You didn't find that in the NYeT? Can't imagine why...

And on the "root cause" behind subhumans who shoot fleeing children in the back:
When your asymmetrical warfare strategy depends on gunning down schoolchildren, you're getting way more asymmetrical than you need to be. The reality is that the IRA and ETA and the ANC and any number of secessionist and nationalist movements all the way back to the American revolutionaries could have seized schoolhouses and shot all the children.

But they didn't. Because, if they had, there would have been widespread revulsion within the perpetrators' own communities. To put it at its most tactful, that doesn't seem to be an issue here.

So the particular character of this "insurgency" does not derive from the requirements of "asymmetrical warfare" but from . . . well, let's see, what was the word missing from those three analyses of the Beslan massacre? Here's a clue: half the dead "Chechen separatists" were not Chechens at all, but Arabs. And yet, tastefully tiptoeing round the subject, The New York Times couldn't bring itself to use the words Muslim or Islamist, for fear presumably of offending multicultural sensibilities.
NYeT, we refuse to name evil.