Sunday, October 10, 2004

An "F" No Matter How You Grade It

First check out the latest pecans from Neville and how they're being roasted. Then check out Hugh's list! Stunning.

And Hugh doesn't even cover what is probably the biggest one of all (see the update at the bottom of "Top Ten Reasons You Might Have Liberal Debating Points"): Alright Mr. Kerry. I couldn't possibly disagree more with your idea of a "global test". But let me be extraordinarily generous and concede that your idea is correct. Then how, pray tell me, could you have possibly voted again Gulf War I as you did? Backed by a U.N. resolution, supported by Saudi Arabia with even Arab troops fighting at our side -- you still voted against.

The Allied coalition in Gulf War I "consisted of 34 countries, including Afghanistan, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Honduras, Italy, Kuwait, Morocco, The Netherlands, Niger, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, South Korea, Spain, Syria, Turkey, The United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States."

So that can only mean one thing: for Kerry, even the approval of France is not enough! He only uses that as a smokescreen for something even worse. I'll leave it to you to speculate just what. (Hmmm. The NYeT points out that there are names of U.S. citizens that have been redacted from Duelfer's latest list of Saddam's "Oil For Food" bribees. Hmmm. Just kidding I think. Here's a story by NYeT company IHT that seems to surface the names and JNK isn't on it. So far anyway. But I wonder what Theresa's stock interests are in Chevron, Mobil, Texaco and Bay Oil? Or if she's friendly with Oscar Wyatt Jr.? :)

Here's the best reason I can find:
The question of international military command ha[d] been set aside from the start. According to Chapter VII of the UN Charter the use of force by the UN should be controlled by a Military Staff Committee made up from the five permanent members of the Security Council. But a US diplomat asks indignantly: ‘Can you imagine our guys being told how to fight by a Chinese general?'
I'm quite sure JNK couldn't stomach not having the Viet Cong Chinese in command. Well, in addition to mindlessly heeding Dhimmi party unity of course. What? JNK? Why John Neville Kerry of course!

UPDATE: Check out Cartago Delenda Est for a take similar to my own on Bush's seeming willingness to be a punching bag. And Fast Glass has a comment there right in line with this post.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Allah agrees!