Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Holy Ground Of Contrasts

Mr. Ott hits one out of the park. The meat of it starts like this:
Dear Mrs. Sheehan,
You have asked me to identify the noble cause for which your son died. I have not answered you personally out of respect for the nobility of your son's sacrifice.

Being president forces me into the spotlight, but I would rather stand in the shadows of men like Casey Sheehan.

Directing national attention on my response to your protest creates a distraction from what matters. The focus of our attention, and our admiration, should rest on people like Casey Sheehan, who stand in the breach when evil threatens to break out and consume a helpless people.

The running story on the news networks should be the valiant efforts of our troops -- the merchants of mercy who export freedom and import honor. They trade their own lives for the sake of others.

As a result, we live in a nation where a woman can camp outside of the president's house and verbally attack the president for weeks on end without fear of prison, torture or death. And the number of nations where such protest is possible has multiplied thanks to the work of our military.

You ask for what noble cause your son died?

In a sense he died so that people like you, who passionately oppose government policies, can freely express that opposition. As you camp in Crawford, you should take off your shoes, for you stand on holy ground. This land was bought with the blood of men like your son

The holy ground reference made me think about why there is no one monument for Christianity that would cause us to become unhinged if it were destroyed -- unlike the Muslims. Yes, the Catholics would get plenty mad if the Vatican were wiped out, and even us Protestants would be plenty ticked.

And maybe the Jews would get rather irritated were the wailing wall to really be destroyed. But I still can't imagine this being even close to the kind of fury that seems to be provoked in Muslims at even the thought of the destruction of their holy stone in Mecca.

But try as I might, I cannot strain my neck to see the kind of lunatic hatred that any slight to Mecca stimulates among Muslims ever being provoked from Christians over the destruction of any place or thing. Quite an irony for us Christian "materialists".

Because Christians are tasked with carrying the holy wherever they go -- even to near a ranch in Texas.

The contrast is stark:

The love of Christ infused with the wonders of Einstein on the one hand.

And the tribal idol worship and misogynistic hair-triggered hatred of the Caliphascists on the other.

We will pray. They will hate-in-rote.

The great mystery continues.

But how long is there before the apocalypse on the ground of Planet Zongo?

Cindy Sheehan -- useful idiot for Supreme Overlord Q'klogmu.