Saturday, August 27, 2005

More On Democrats "Projecting" Democracy's Failure

The al-Reuters/ Liberal Democrat party line is that Democracy is bound to fail with (those stupid brownie) Muslims:


WHOOPS! Looks like al-Reuters let a dose of actual reality from Afghanistan get by their thought police! I'm sure it will be noticed and taken down soon. Problem is, I've linked to a copy on Power Line so just like my previous post on the Palestinians, they can memory hole to their hearts content but to no avail...

Has anyone noticed the irony of our "Democratic Party"?

They're the one's who don't think democracy is working in America! (W "stole" the election, yada, yada, yada... The last one to the tune of some 3 million votes as I recall -- did I forget to mention that I control Karl Rove?)

Is it any wonder they don't think democracy can work anywhere else?

Can you say projection?