Thursday, August 25, 2005

Rethinking Viral Terrorism

"Cindy Sheehan just finished her morning media event. When asked by reporters, Sheehan said she believes that while she supports the continued hunt for Osama bin Laden she believes the U.S. should withdraw from Afghanistan and “stop bombing innocent people.” She also described Osama bin Laden as being “allegedly” behind the attacks of 9/11." -- The Buzz
In other words: Osama didn't do it, and we should withdraw from Afghanistan but still hunt for him.

Cuckoo. Cuckoo. Cuckoo.

It appears that just as a meme has arisen about treating terrorism as a virus, the MSM/Dems have a virus of their own to contend with -- terror lunacy.

This raises the disturbing possibility that they're actually NOT Gramscian neo-Syndicalists.

They're just escaped inmates. Time to enforce the laws, folks.