Friday, September 23, 2005

All The Senator's Staff Men: Upgraded to a Cat 2

Hugh has some questions:
Senator Schumer, how long have you known Katie Barge?
How about Lauren Weiner?

How did you meet Barge? Weiner?

Did you know they had worked for David Brock?

Did you ever discuss them with George Soros?

Who first told you about the theft of Lt. Gov. Steele's personal data?

What did you do?

Did you call FBI Director Mueller?

Do you ever call FBI Director Mueller?

Would FBI Direcor Mueller have taken your call?

Have you spoken with Barge since you learned she was the target of an investigation? Weiner? Not even to say that they'd stay on the payroll? Not even a brief conversation in the hall?
And it keeps going for the new Nixon...