Saturday, September 24, 2005

No Love In Appeasing Apocalyptic Work Accidents

Criminals. Check. Stupid. Check. Did I mention delusionally cuckoo yet?

A pickup truck carrying rockets exploded on Friday at a large Hamas rally as the group paraded its weapons through a densely packed refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. At least 15 people were killed and dozens were wounded, Palestinian medical officials said.

The powerful blast sent a plume of white smoke into the sky and unleashed pandemonium in the sprawling Jabaliya refugee camp, a Hamas stronghold just north of Gaza City. Body parts were scattered on the ground as ambulances rushed to the scene, and people in the crowd wailed in grief. The casualties included a number of children.

The blast appeared to be accidental, and the Palestinian Interior Ministry issued a statement that called on Hamas to "shoulder its responsibility" for the explosion.
Hamas shouldered the responsibility by claiming it uses duds for parades and that the Israelis must have fired on them from above to cause the explosion. Israel, which has no problem acknowledging such attacks, denied having had anything to do with the explosion. The homemade Katyushas have a notorious reputation for unreliability and instability, and taking them into a large crowd like the one seen in the AP photograph amounts to criminal stupidity.
Or should I throttle way back and point out that these people are quite simply dangerously insane?

This idea of parading live and known to be unstable weapons through a crowd filled with children is simply incomprehensible without being positive confirmation of either criminal insanity, basic mental infirmity or both. The thought of doing such a thing would no more enter my mind than the idea that I could simply flap my arms and fly off a cliff.

Unfortunately, these people have become no more capable of raising their children to be rational actors than they are of truly loving them. This is just one more example in an unending series of evidence for Golda Meir's prophecy: "We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us."

(BTW: Golda also said: "When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons." If you want to know what TRUE SANITY looks like, look no further!)

The fascifist liberals want to appease these people nihilistic nutters to assuage their own guilt for not being brave enough to apply the hard slog of tough love it will take to dig the Arabs out of the cultural and mental cesspool they have sunk to over long centuries of primitivism.

And these same fascifists become unremittingly insane in their opposition to taking on Iraq because they know that whether by design or luck we have got our finger on the only fault line in the Arab M.E. that has a chance of delaying -- or I pray reversing -- the apocalypse. The alliance between the Kurds and Shia based on their mutual bond of escaping the true Arab oppression of Saddam and the Wahhabist loons is really the last best chance to reverse the tide before Hamas "work accidents" evolve to involve nuclear weapons.

Because of my thesis of the Tinfoil Apocalypse, I am not sanguine.

But I refuse to surrender to nihilism through appeasement. And neither should you.

The Euros did appease Hitler with nearly incalculably disastrous results -- and Arafat's mentor was their insane ally. We were extremely lucky that Hitler never came close close to the bomb.

But anyone with more than a handful of neurons and few moments of reflection knows that the march of technology that we westerners have initiated will inexorably give the tools of nihilism to Hitler's modern progeny without extraordinary measures on our part. We have violated the "Prime Directive" and have now stuck our heads in the sand about it so firmly that an ostrich could only be green with envy.

You can go into de-nihilism if you want. But this is what you look like to me if you do so:

Oh, yes. And Lance Mannion is wrong about us neo-cons and the Prime Directive. Many of us understand the situation well. Much too well.