Sunday, September 18, 2005

Of course, Monica-gate was different. That was some real urgency requiring Desert Fox. I had some minor optimism that Clinton might move toward recovering his place in history. With this he irreparably hugs the excreble Jimmy Carter.

UPDATE: Power Line engages warp drive:
Clinton's assertion that there was "no evidence that there were weapons of mass destruction" is a flat-out lie. The Consensus Estimate of the American intelligence agencies has been made public, and we have quoted from it and linked to it on many occasions. America's intelligence agencies said, with a "high degree of confidence," that Saddam possessed both chemical and biological weapons. These were the same intelligence reports that Clinton received as President, so he is well aware of them. His statement was not a mistake, it was a lie.
And then there's this little Clinton quote from 03:
"[I]t is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."