Sunday, September 04, 2005

EMAIL of the day at the Corner:

If Bush was a Dictator things would have gone smoother:

- He wouldn't have had to ASK Gov. Blanco to order a mandatory evacuation, he would have done it himself.

- He wouldn't have had to ASK Gov. Blanco to send in her National Guard, he would have done it himself.

- He wouldn't have to ASK Gov. Blanco to let the feds come in and run the show. (below) If Bush was a dictator he could have FORCED residents to evacuate at gunpoint. He would be giving orders to the Governor, not requests. It may come as news to the crowd, but BUSH IS NOT A DICTATOR!

Well, yeah...

UPDATE: Boy am I slow lately. Just wait a few news cycles and the MSMeme will be: Bush didn't declare himself dictator because he wanted all those poor black folks to die! Just watch...