Friday, September 09, 2005

Keep Those Hoods On Boyz!

Did I forget to mention that it's no coincidence the KKK and the Islamofascists all seem to be wearing the same fashionable hoods?
In an interview with CNN earlier this year, Kreis [head of the Aryan Nations] said of al Qaeda, "You say they're terrorists, I say they're freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples' heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah." Going a step further, Kreis told CNN that he had a message for Osama bin Laden: "The message is, the cells are out here and they are already in place. They might not be cells of Islamic people, but they are here and they are ready to fight."
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Ummm -- well, actually no, I didn't forget to mention it. Look over right at "The Previous Jaw Dropper":
"I was stunned to learn the story of Haj Mohammad Amin al-Hussein, which I tell at great length in Preachers of Hate. Not only did he meet with Hitler in Berlin in 1941: he became the Arabic voice of Nazi Germany in all their broadcasts to the Arab world, exhorting Muslims to murder Jews and enact Hitler’s final solution. Not by coincidence, one of his greatest students is Yasser Arafat, who in moments of weakness claims (wrongly, I believe) that he is Haj Mohammad Amin’s nephew."
And in one of God's great jokes on the violently insane, the Islamofascists are heavily recruiting from yet another type of hoodz that may have been related to just a wee bit of an evacuation failure recently. (Hint: Buses were NOT involved.)

The police were afraid to try to enforce any kind of evacuations in the violent ghettos of a city that remains one of the most lawless in America. Anyone driving a school bus down a street in one of New Orleans's "projects" trying to enforce the mayor's evacuation order would be risking his life. Had the Mayor ordered police escorts, the desertion rate of the police would have been far higher than 30%. And that is the reason for the current argument between the Mayor and his own Police Commissioner, who still refuses to enforce his "mandatory evacuation" order.
It will be very interesting to see if THIS circle can remain unbroken.

I'm guessing only if they never take their hoods off in private...

UPDATE: A commenter over at Roger's adds some relevant perspective about just how bad NOLA's "third world" neighborhoods were:
the laissez faire attitude doesn;t end with thje cops; it PERMEATES the whole city. it's like this:

i remember a few weeks back, somebeody somehwere published results of an experiment in which they fired 700 rounds of blanks in bad nola neighborhoods to see how many calls the NOPD would get about gunfire.

they got NONE. bupkus. Zilch. nada.

this says a few things: (1) the people in these criminal infested neighborhoods have (a) no faith in their police, and (b)they have stopped fighting back, and (2) these are PROBABLY the SAME people from the same neighborhoods who "acted out" so badly in the Superdome and Convention Center.
Sounds about right to me... (Not that Nagin and Blanco shouldn't have allowed them resupply!!! Du'oh!)

UPDATED AGAIN: Welcome COTV readers! If you liked this, you might want to take a look at "Katrina Takes On The Tinfoil Apocalypse", "NOLA Machine No Go", "Projections From The MSMemory Hole" and "Barging Out Of The Levee Canal Wall MSMemory Hole".

And yes, Fascifism, Gramscian neo-Syndicalism, Islamofascism, the MSM, Totalitarianism and generally all things leftist corrupt take quite a licking here even on a slow day...