Friday, September 09, 2005

What Buses?

Glenn has the best FEMA roundup.

This has me thinking about the big picture. Us righties, being the last refuge of the analyticals, have process improvement and self analysis as one of our SOPs. So when the lefties throw the usual blizzard of FUD to distract us, we laugh most of it off but when we find one of them to be a possible chink in our armor we actually dissipate some of our resources taking a look so we don't do that again.

Then when we actually admit we may not be perfect in all respects the lefties use their MSMegaphone to translate that into us righties being the corrupt scum of the earth.

All the while those buses are left there by the left in plain view...

UPDATE: More evidence on what we face. It would be sad if it weren't so predictable....