Sunday, September 16, 2007

More Sounds Of Silence

Iranian involvement also seems very likely. Iran and Syria have a military alliance aimed at eventually annihilating Israel, and Syrian nukes would have been even more useful to Iran in achieving that goal than their own. Ahmadinejad's nephew hopes to see some signs that the Iranians and Syrians can save enough from the destruction to proceed, but all indications are of total Israeli success. North Korea, now that it has been exposed, will be less likely to try it again, which leaves Syria both weaker and with less hope of gaining that kind of strength in the short run.

Given Syria's support for terrorists, especially Hamas and Hezbollah, that's a very good development. Syrian nukes would have immediately led to war with Israel; the fact that Syria still has not responded militarily to the attack shows that they cannot hope to beat the Israelis in a war now without nuclear blackmail, or worse.