Saturday, November 03, 2007

Fortuyn -- Norway's Turn

Bruce Bawer has an interesting article at PJ Media on Norway’s Very Own Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

As Europe’s Islamization proceeds apace, the gap widens between ordinary folks’ growing recognition of the outrages that are going on all around them and the movers and shakers’ cynical insistence on pretending that everything’s just hunky-dory.

Case in point: the responses to Covered. Uncovered., a new book on hijab. Its author, Hege Storhaug of Norway’s Human Rights Service, is this country’s answer to Ayaan Hirsi Ali – a gutsy advocate of freedom who doesn’t mince words about the illiberal conditions (especially for women and girls) in Europe’s Muslim communities.

In short, Fortuyn was demonized as a threat to the very liberty he was fighting to preserve. Among those who heard that this fascist must be stopped was a man named Volkert van der Graaf.

Volkert van der Graaf, of course, was the man who murdered Pin Fortuyn.


BTW, I'm strongly with Charles on his opposition to right-wing fascists. Note his note:

Note: Pim Fortuyn may have been labeled a “racist” by the usual suspects for his opposition to the invasion of radical Islam, but he was also strongly opposed to the Belgian Vlaams Belang party; he called them a “fascist” group.

By the way, if Fortuyn was a racist fascist, he was a gay one as I recall. And so would be Bruce Bawer. In a sane world, that would be enough to make the self-righteous left pause to think...