Tuesday, September 30, 2008

That's Her

Democrats are questioning whether Sarah Palin is qualified to be Vice
President while Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker-In-Tongues-of-the-House is two
heartbeats (and one with issues) away from the Presidency. Nancy Pelosi is
proving herself completely unqualified to lead anything. I wouldn’t trust her to
lead a troop of Girl Scouts. At a time when she should have been, umm, actually,
leading the House (BTW, that means the entire House … both aisles), she morphed
into House Majority Leader Pelosi, made a vicious partisan attack on
Republicans, and derailed the $700B bail out.

I’ll leave the parsing of her motivations to more connected observers, but I
suspect it was based on partisan calculus, since the only leadership Pelosi has
ever shown is in her capacity to attack the opposition.

That's her.

Did I forget to mention she doesn't think we need to drill to get natural gas? It would be impolite to say what I'm thinking now...