Monday, May 11, 2009

COTD: All Theirs

clipped from

I agree that collectivism is on the way out, but it will take the end of the Baby Boomers to bring that about. This generation has nearly brought about the ruin of the Great American dream with their destruction of our schools, our media and our government at the altar of collectivism.

Unfortunately for the Boomers, they are retiring in masses just as their collectivist policies come to full flower. I give you Terry Shiavo Rest Homes, my friends, where the Boomers who cannot feed or take care of themselves will be denied food and water until they die. You tell me what the government is going to do when millions of Boomers are helpless elders and there is no Social Security and not enough tax dollars to support them?

Terry Shiavo time. They bought it, they paid for it, and now it is all theirs.

... and ours too unfortunately.