Friday, May 22, 2009

COTD: The Five Minute Attention Span In Political Context

clipped from
I don't believe the pols are dummer than the average American. They are, however, very cagey and have well developed street smarts; as in a cornered sewer rat. They have been seduced by power and $$$ is the true currency of power. They rely on us to be stupid (which MANY of us are) and that we will forget a particular issue because a new issue comes up so often. It is the public who are really at fault if this behaviour continues to occur; everybody curses and grouses but, still, the same-ol-same-ol goes on. We need a concentrated fiscal/political revolution (are you getting this Napolotano???) with dedicated, passionate leaders to turn-around the current fiasco; otherwise, same-ol-same-ol.