Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nearly Correct -- Except They ARE The Crooks

A commenter notes: (emphasis added)
I do not know what the future holds where Obama is concerned.

I see very little correlation at this point between words and deeds. ... It seems he's all about the power and the money in that order.
Greenwald added an update, mentioning that Lanny Davis just wrote an article favoring prosecution of former Vice President Cheney. What he DOESN'T note is Davis's stated reason for supporting this: that Cheney was speaking out against the Obama Administration.

Greenwald is out in the cold. At this point, Democrats are supporting anything and everything that results in a political and/or monetary payoff for themselves and their supporters. Davis would waterboard Greenwald if he thought he needed to.

The "ideological" left got bamboozled by the crooks in their midst, and still doesn't realize it.