Sunday, July 19, 2009

Did I Forget To Mention How They Solve That Virgin Problem?

The men, who were arrested Friday night, told Iraqi authorities that they had been instructed in Iran to "plant improvised explosive devices, scare citizens and destabilize the country," said an Iraqi official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The is the kind of small matter--killing our troops--that foreign policy "realists" argue we shouldn't let stand in the way of friendly relations with repellent regimes.

Speaking of repellent--this is one of the most disgusting stories I've ever seen. It seems that the Iranian regime, which likes to execute young girls and boys for imagined crimes, has a problem: it's illegal to execute a virgin. You could solve that problem, presumably, by not executing teenage girls, but that isn't the mullahs' way. You can read the linked article in the Jerusalem Post for the sordid details. Via Mark Steyn, who adds:

Must be convenient to have a legal code that obliges all your pathologies.