Tuesday, July 21, 2009


clipped from neoneocon.com

Obama sees the presidency as a larger (and more suited to his extraordinary talents) version of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Some rich guy gives him a pile of money to throw at flaky schemes. He supports the flakiest and gets praise for his innovation. The projects ends. No positive results are achieved, but no one cares. Wasn’t that fun?

I truly think that represents the depth of Obama’s thinking. People who worry about debt and dictators are just like those rubes clinging to their guns and religion. The people who count are those who can discuss the merits of wagyu beef with appropriate footnotes to philosophical works.

The sad thing—or at least one of the sad things—is that most Americans would have no idea what that last commenter is referring to when he mentions the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and Obama’s role in it. It’s just one of so many important things about Obama’s past that the press neglected to explore when it would have mattered.