Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Define That System

cap and trade bill there is a provision that will spend billions of our dollars to plant 18 million acres of trees. This was put in the bill as an attempt to absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide. It is well documented that tress do NOT store carbon. Trees are net absorbers of carbon only during the early growth stage. A mature forest is carbon neutral. Trees are mortal organisms. Trees give back ALL the carbon they absorb when they die. The illusion that the left uses is all in how one defines a system. If one defines the forest system as 'the first five decades', then tress do indeed absorb more carbon dioxide than they release. A definition any longer and said trees give back all the carbon they soaked up.

I was taught in school "Always look at the definition of any system first"

We are about to spend billions on junk science with the illusion that trees can store anthropogenic carbon. Trees are mortal and simply cannot do that!

Once again, I guess we are left with "follow the money"