Thursday, August 27, 2009

In Case You Get All Dreamy On Billy

clipped from

Just in case you trolls get all dreamy on Bill Ayers (and Jeff Jones the new Czar):

PRAIRIE FIRE is written to communist-minded people,
independent organizers and anti-imperialists;

PRAIRIE FIRE is written to all sisters and brothers who are engaged in armed struggle against the enemy. It is written to prisoners,… community groups and revolutionaries of all kinds;

We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States

Our intention is to engage the enemy … to wear away at him, to harass him

Our intention is to encourage the people … to provoke leaps in confidence and consciousness, to stir the imagination, to popularize power, to agitate, to organize,

Our intention is to forge an underground … a clandestine political organization engaged in every form of struggle, protected from the eyes and weapons of the state, a base against repression, to accumulate lessons, experience and constant practice, a base from which to attack.