Monday, August 10, 2009

Forget About It

“The proof of the pudding in this is not going to be who votes for it,
if you have Republicans or not,” said Mr. Schumer, who is heavily
favored to win a third term in 2010. “It’s going to be when it passes
and when it goes into effect: does it work?”

Well, it may "work" in the sense that a revived base allows the Democrats to preserve control of both houses in 2010 (this no doubt passes as a long-term perspective for Dem strategists).

But suppose the long term consequences of the bill are disastrous.  Just for example, what if one result is a drastic reduction in investment in new medical technologies (drugs, procedures, and so on) in response to likely "cost-cutting"?  Europe already "saves" a tremendous amount by free-riding off of US research and development; off of whom will the US free-ride?

Hey, that will only be a problem down the road, not in 2010!  If the baby-boomers don't get breakthrough Alzheimer's treatments, well, Chuck Schumer can just tell them to forget about it.