Wednesday, August 12, 2009


The Jews were
concentrated mainly in the four "Holy Cities": Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and
Hebron. By and large, the Jews were regarded as second-class citizens of
the Ottoman Empire. They encountered legal discrimination at every turn, and
evidence given by them was not recognized by the courts. Jews were debarred from
attaining high government office. They were subject to daily mockery and scorn,
were forbidden to ride camels or horses within the city limits, and were obliged
to make way for Moslems. Their persons and possessions were unprotected by law
and prone to constant abuse (without any possibility of appealing to the
courts of justice). M. Reisher, who lived in Jerusalem, writes in 1866:

    "When a Jew walked
    among them in the market, one would throw a stone at him in order to kill him,
    another would pull his beard, and a third his ear-lock, yet another spit on his
    face, and he became a symbol of abuse".

Remember that. Historical accuracy versus Islamic revisionism.