Sunday, August 30, 2009


Similarly, Gaddafi's open boasting about, for instance, the impending Muslim demographic takeover of Europe, shines with candour in comparison to western essays in political correctness. Like Lenin, Hitler, and every other totalitarian on whom he has modelled himself, Gaddafi long ago realized there was no need to hide his intentions. The "sophistication" of the west is such that if you openly state, "the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we hang them," our diplomatists will go to work explaining this away, while organizing another trade mission.

Gaddafi has had a long life in politics -- 40 years of uninterrupted rule. That he is at least half mad, we knew from the beginning. But you do not need all your wits about you to get what you want from "sophisticated" people. Just having a weapon is enough to make them very obliging, and the oil weapon has proved more than availing, and for more than Gaddafi, through all this time.