Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Remember when the Democrats tried to ram revolutionary changes in the world's best health care system through Congress before the August recess? Which is to say, before anyone noticed? That failed only because of a popular revolt against an ill-considered bill that no one in Congress had actually read.

At The Corner, Stephen Spruiell notes these poll data from Pew:


The point is obvious: where is the crisis? Spruiell sums up the situation so perfectly that all one can do is quote him:

The percentage of respondents citing health care as a major national problem stays flat and low until the Democrats put forward a bill that:

Forces young and healthy people to purchase a product, health insurance, that they don't want; and

Threatens people who are happy with their employer-provided care with being dumped into a government-run plan that the president himself has analogized to the U.S. Postal Service.