Sunday, August 30, 2009

Silent Suicide And "Smart" Czars

clipped from
Not to put too fine an edge on it, the supreme leader admitted guilt, and opened the door to the prosecution of his entire regime.  He proclaimed the innocence of his enemies and called for the prosecution and punishment of his allies.

It is reminiscent of that moment, thirty years ago, when the shah admitted that his security forces had gone too far, and promised he would crack down on them.  This open confession of weakness inspired Khomeini’s followers, and marked a watershed in the history of the revolution.  From that moment on, the revolutionaries no longer feared the regime, and the shah’s people started to betray him and one another.  There is reason to believe Khamenei’s speech has the same significance.

Afshin Ellian has reported in the Dutch Press that the opposition leaders confronted Khamenei with the evidence of his own criminal activity.
If Obama and his czars were as smart as they think they are, they’d be talking to the future leaders of Iran right now.