Monday, October 19, 2009


clipped from

Liberal Democrats champion public schools, while denying poorer, browner people the chance to access them.

Liberal Democrats insist on a public option for Peasant Health Care, but make sure they will not have to use it, and will keep their gold-plated health care system instead.

But that hypocrisy is not nearly so rich as the fact that Airstrip One's socialized National Health Service buys private insurance for 3,000 members of its staff, including doctors, nurses, paramedics and ambulance drivers... to any sane person, this is a de facto admission that socialized health care sucks.

And wait until you read how NHS rationalizes the practice:

The health department defended the practice and said sending doctors, nurses and other key staff for private treatment helped to get them back to work.
“If trusts want to get their staff back to work more quickly they can’t jump NHS waiting lists, so going private is an option,” said the spokesman.