Monday, October 19, 2009

Dumb Like Mao -- But Without The Intelligence

Think about how tragically misguided and dumb this is, though it is only a reflection of the administration's thoughts about the population as a whole. The media networks are simply not smart enough to get it for themselves. They should listen to an administration that allegedly knows better and cut off Fox News.

Are they crazy? What country have they been living in, or do they want to create might be the better question. Talking down to the entire media like this is not going to win them any friends. They are laying the ground work for their own utter collapse by taking this approach.

Talk about not being ready for prime time. It looks as if they aren't ready for Sunday morning, either.

The White House is calling on other news organizations to isolate and alienate Fox News as it sends out top advisers to rail against the cable channel as a Republican Party mouthpiece.

Top political strategists question the decision by the Obama administration to escalate its offensive against Fox